Emeis Training
Emeis provides bespoke and group training packages in the Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM) one of the UK’s leading developmental movement approach programmes.
A Sherborne Developmental Movement course will enable participants to participate and explore the use of developmental movement sessions in a wide variety of contexts.
Additional support packages are available, click here for more information.
Who is the course for?
An internationally accredited Sherborne Developmental Movement course will enable you to gain a basic understanding of both the practical and theoretical understanding of the practice. This is divided into four 3 hour sessions, delivered over two days or longer periods as is required.
Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM) is taught through both discussion and practical exploration. To be able to fully appreciate and understand this practice it is important to be able to see first hand how ‘it works’.
By the end of the course, you will have the skills to be able to apply both the movement and theoretical understanding of Sherborne Developmental Movement into your own setting. In addition to the level one training course I am able to offer additional support through this next phase through my additional support programmes. This can be both 1:1 and group provisions.
Past participants include:
Yoga practitioners
Community artists
Teaching Assistants
Physiotherapists/ Occupational Therapists
Dance Movement Psychotherapists
This course is suitable for:
Sensory needs support workers
Anyone working in Dance with children and adults (not necessarily SEND)
PE deliverers
ASC practitioners
This course provides excellent CPD opportunities, especially CPD for healthcare workers and educators.
Dance lecturers
Somatic practitiioners
What does the course entail?
The allows participants to gain an understanding of the key movement principles from Sherborne's work. This is through a mix of both practical and theoretical experiences.
Get ready to move and embody what it is like to a child again. Running, jumping, exploring levels, relationships, and space. Although physical participation on some level is required adaptations can be made, if you have any doubts please contact me to discuss.
The course also addresses child developmental pathways, LABAN analysis, and the application into discrete areas.
Where will the course take place?
Current Sherborne courses delivered by Emeis in the UK open to applicants:
Kingfisher Special School, 24th October 2019
The Venue, Storthes Hall, 19th December 2019
Sessions 1 + 2 17th December 2022
Sessions 3 + 4 21st January 2023
If you have your own venue and would like to arrange a bespoke training programme for your group then please contact Emeis directly.
How much does a Sherborne Developmental Movement course cost?
The cost is £150 per participant per day which includes refreshments, and course materials and is in an accessible venue close to Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
If you have a group and/ or your own venue then please contact me directly to discuss bespoke in house or INSET training pricing.